Time management is not a way to make you work harder and longer, but it means to help your work smarter to accomplish your work more easily and rapidly.
Since there are always demands on your time, it may be helpful to think about what you will do with your time and to consider some strategies for more effective time management.
As much as we think we are busy, there are times in our day when we are not really doing anything. Recognizing and making use of these times can have a positive effect on our efforts
If you can manage your time more effectively, you will be rewarded in a variety of ways:
There are two ways to look at these periods of time. You can either consider them as “wastes of time” or as “gifts of time.” If you choose to think of them as gifts of time, you can use them as opportunities to accomplish routine tasks that are necessary, but don’t require large periods of time.
You will be more efficient in serving your organization and will be able to support your organization better
You will achieve greater success in your very important, and highly visible, role as a Lions Leader
On a personal level, you will certainly feel healthier, more energetic, and in a generally better mood
Most successful people know how to balance work and play. When work takes over your life, you not only give your body little time to re-energize, but you may end up sacrificing the really important things in life like family and friends
To ensure effective Time Management in our daily routing of information/ tasks/ requirements from apex authorities, thrust should be on official communication mostly through EMAIL & Phone calls. The phone calls could be made only during crisis situations and it should be a symbol of URGENCY and appropriately prioritized on the top of To-Do list. This can not only lead to effective time management but also help in prioritizing and completing urgent tasks swiftly.
Instead of having various apex levels approaching offices/branches, the time and efforts can be saved and man-hours can be efficiently utilized by having a single line of communication for various levels.
We can segregate all our tasks into Urgent/Important to effectively utilize the time in an efficient manner. “We can narrate from Steven Covey: The 7 habits of highly effective people”
Being able to prioritize is an effective skill and we can use time wisely by distributing all our activity in four quadrants and acting accordingly.
1. Urgent and Important
2. Important but not Urgent
3.Urgent but not Important
4. Not Important and not Urgent
Regular workshops for specific target groups to help them get updates on regular basis in specific area of operation. This will help them in keeping abreast of developments and execute tasks faster without any room for time consuming confusion and information seeking efforts.
Embracing technology in our every day to day activity can make us highly efficient in time management. Having tech workshops for individual employees to apprise them of data management tools and other technological advancements should be the most vital aspect of TIME MANAGEMENT.
The list is not exhaustive and to be deliberated upon in forthcoming discussions. Please write comments which I may have missed.